Refund and Cancellation Policies

The information listed below pertains to all Community, Professional and Workforce Development courses, unless otherwise noted.

General Cancellation and Refund Policies


  • 请注意,退课和退款的请求必须以书面形式提交. Requests can be sent via email to or faxed to (518) 629-8103. Requests can also be mailed to Hudson Valley Community College, Office of Community, Professional and Workforce Development, 80 Vandenburgh Avenue, 特洛伊, NY 12180.
    *Please note that you cannot withdraw from a class online. Even if you've registered online, you must submit your request to withdraw in writing.
  • Courses may be canceled due to insufficient enrollment. 我们将尽一切努力通知学生取消和退款.


  • All refunds will be in the form of a check. 退款 typically take 14 - 21 days to be processed.
    注意: If the course fee includes a materials fee, 如果在第一堂课前不到五个工作日提交退款申请,材料费将不予退还.

Courses nine weeks or more

  • Prior to first class: 100% refund
  • During first week of classes: 75% refund
  • During second week of classes: 50% refund
  • During third week of classes: 25% refund
  • After third week of classes: no refund

Courses eight weeks or less

  • Prior to first class: 100% refund
  • During first week of classes: 25% refund
  • After first week of classes: no refund

Certificate Program Refund Policies

ed2go 在线 Certificate Programs
对于通过ed2go的在线证书课程,有一个相当严格的不退款政策. That being said, each request for a refund will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Paralegal Certificate Program
在上课日期前的周三之前注册并退学的学生将获得全额退款, less a non-refundable $15 administrative fee. 书籍可以在购买之日起30天内退回法律研究中心,并获得扣除运费的退款.

在开课前的星期四到开课的第一个星期四之间退课的学生将获得50%的学费退款. 书籍可以在购买之日起30天内退回法律研究中心,并获得扣除运费的退款.

在第一周的第一个星期四之后退课的学生将不退还学费. 书籍可以在购买之日起30天内退回法律研究中心,并获得扣除运费的退款.

On-Campus Certificate Programs (i.e. Pet Education Certificate, Floral Design Certificate)
校内证书课程的退款/取消政策适用于大多数社区教育课程,具体取决于课程的长度和取消的时间. In addition, 如果在课程开始前不到七个工作日收到取消申请,花卉课程的材料费将不予退还.

Motorcycle Cancellation and Refund Policy

Please Read Carefully

Cancellation/Refund Policy Acknowledgment (required for those registering by mail, phone, fax or in-person)


Requests to withdraw can be:

  • Sent via email to
  • Faxed to (518) 629-8103
  • Mailed to Hudson Valley Community College, Office of Community, Professional and Workforce Development, 80 Vandenburgh Avenue, 特洛伊 NY 12180.

Note the following:

  • 除非您有医疗问题或家庭成员死亡的证明文件,否则在上课前少于三个工作日的通知将导致所有费用被没收. 如果发生这种情况,请致电(877)743-3518 Maggie,这样教练就不会等你了.
  • 任何基础骑行课程许可证豁免或基础骑行课程2 -许可证豁免的学生在访问在线电子课程后退学,也将受到
    a $10 administrative fee. This is in addition to any late cancel fees previously stated.
  • Schedule: 学生必须在他们的日程安排中留出额外的时间,以应对天气或其他可能需要晚于预定时间的因素.

以下原因将阻止学生开始或继续学习,所有费用将被没收, no makeup class will be scheduled:

  1. 任何基础骑行课程或3轮基础骑行课程的学生,没有有效的纽约州驾驶执照或纽约州DMV颁发的摩托车驾驶执照. Out of state licensed drivers should call Maggie at (877) 743-3518.
  2. 任何基础骑行课程2 - LW学生或3轮BRC学生(使用自己的3轮摩托车),没有有效的纽约州驾驶执照, a valid NYS motorcycle permit, and a street legal motorcycle /scooter with current insurance, registration and inspection, will not be allowed to ride. Any Ultimate Bike Bonding, 高级骑行课程或基础骑行课程2学生谁没有有效的纽约摩托车执照, and a street legal motorcycle/scooter with current insurance, registration and inspection, will not be allowed to ride.
  3. Counsel Out: 如果学员证明在课程中可能对自己或他人构成危险,学员可能会被建议离课, due to a failure to achieve exercise objectives.
  4. Students who fail to attend any course session once the course begins, unless its a documented medical emergency.
  5. Students under age 18 在开始骑乘前未有经公证的家长或监护人在“摩托车安全课程豁免及赔偿表格”上签署者,将不能参加. NO EXCEPTIONS. 您有责任拨打(518)629-7339从学院获取此表格.
  6. LATE ARRIVAL at any session.
  7. Students without proper riding gear will not be allowed to ride. Students must bring their own helmets.
  8. Any student believed to be impaired by any substance, legal or illegal.
  9. 因酒后驾车被判有条件/暂停/限制执照的学生.

Security Guard Refund Policy

Security Guard Instructor Development Course

学生有权在教学开始前的任何时间获得100%的退款. 迟到或缺勤不构成退学和退款资格. Requests for refund must be submitted in writing. All refunds are in the form of a check and typically take 14-21 days to be processed. 注:DCJS认可的保安训练学校不能评定任何不可退还的注册费, deposits, or cancellation fees.



学生有权在教学开始前的任何时间获得100%的退款. Students who arrive late will not be allowed into the course. 迟到或缺勤不构成退学和退款资格. Requests for refund must be submitted in writing. All refunds are in the form of a check and typically take 14-21 days to be processed. 注:DCJS认可的保安训练学校不能评定任何不可退还的注册费, deposits, or cancellation fees.


If the course is conducted in two 4-hour sessions, 在第一个4小时的课程开始后,学生有资格获得50%的退款, but before instruction begins for the second 4-hour session. 如果在第二节4小时课程开始后退课,学费将不予退还.

Security Guard On-The-Job 16-Hour Training

学生有权在教学开始前的任何时间获得100%的退款. Students who arrive late will not be allowed into the course. 迟到或缺勤不构成退学和退款资格. Requests for refund must be submitted in writing. All refunds are in the form of a check and typically take 14-21 days to be processed. 注:DCJS认可的保安训练学校不能评定任何不可退还的注册费, deposits, or cancellation fees.

If the course is conducted in two 8-hour sessions, 在第一个8小时的课程开始后,学生有资格获得50%的学费退款, but before instruction begins for the second 8-hour session. 在第二节8小时课程开始后退课,恕不退款.

If the course is conducted in two 4-hour sessions and one 8-hour session, 在第一个4小时的课程开始后,学生有资格获得75%的退款, but before instruction begins for the second 4-hour session. 在第二节4小时课程开始后,但在最后一节8小时课程开始前退课,将获得50%的退款. 如在8小时课程开始后退课,恕不退款.

Trips, Tours and Floral Refund Policy

  • Often, our trips and tours include a materials fee for admission and/or meals. This fee is non-refundable five business days prior to the start of a class.
  • 所有花卉课程的材料费在课程开始前七个工作日不予退还.

Get in Touch

Community, Professional and Workforce Development

Fitzgibbons 健康 Technologies Center, Room 334

传真: (518) 629-8103

Regular Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed
(excluding college holidays and vacations)